
If there was Life on Mars

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If there was life on mars like human kind and they didn't want earthlings to go there.Would we still try to go there?




  1. Oh jeez. There would probably be a war in space or something. Hah. Star wars :) No, but seriously. I wouldn't wanna go to Mars. And I bet their "human kind" may look different than our "human kind"

  2. I think that we would try and communicate with them so that we could potentially learn more from each other. However, I think if they wanted no part of us we would be very happy and excited just finding out we are not alone!

  3. The Native Americans didn't want us here either.  But that didn't stop us!

  4. There are no people on Mars now, but there may have been in the past.  Their Republicans and neoconservatives gained power for several terms and starved everyone but the rich.  They raped the planet's resources, created massive pollution and started hugely destructive wars.  As a result, they wiped out all life except single cell organisms.  The oceans dried up and the atmosphere became very thin, leaving the landscape we see today.

  5. hhhhheeeeelllll no

  6. We would have gone there, and taught them about Christianity.  Then we would have started settling on Mars, but we would have made reservations where only Martians were allowed.  Then we would claim that Mars was our land, and we would set up social, and political infrastructure to prove it.

  7. I think that we would have WAR OF THE PLANETS. And a lot of people would go through depression.. It's like history would repeat itself. But then again if they had better technogolgy then us, they would enter our planet first... and try to take over. WE SHOULD JUST STICK WHERE WE CAME FROM :)

  8. of course not..

    theyre not bothering us or taking over our world so why should we? : )

    i think if they wanted to, they could cause their technology is more advanced..

  9. probably not to avoid war, and considering it takes alot of money and time to send a robot to mars, much less people.  If we could send people we probably still wouldn't although you might have a rogue group or government going illegally to Mars for various reasons.

    to the person above, why would there technology be more advanced, he said "like human kind"

  10. Remember that H.G. Wells didn't just write War of the Worlds but also New World Order...

  11. Mars very well could have been like Earth, but dried out because of it's position closer to the sun.

  12. Probably not. Just another planet out of the way.

  13. If there was an intelligent life form on mars.  As the solar system form around 4.5 to 4.6 billion years ago. One could not tell if mars could have more advance technology than us assuming we went through the same stage of evolution.

    Also mars is smaller than Earth therefore we have a lot more resources comparing to mars. Its more likely that we will be more advance than mars if Mars really have intelligent life and went through the same evolution as on earth.

    If we are technology more advance (powerful) than mars. You will see us human on mars. However if human technology are inferior compare to mars. We are more than likely to do what as we are told.

    Thats Human nature :)

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