
If there was a cure for all diseases and no transport.What would we die of

by  |  earlier

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And don't say boredom.




  1. War

  2. A person let loose with an uzi, axe, knife, lump of 4x2.!

  3. If there was no transportation everyone would die before the cures could reach us. But since you didn't write in English sentences I have no idea what "cure all diseases and no transport" means. Does it mean we cured disease but didn't "cure" transport? Does it mean no NEED of transport? Did it mean no cars and boats to hit and kill people? Most injuries take place in the bathtub. So you would have said "and no bathtubs" and everybody would be wondering what THAT meant just like the transport thing. We will all die eventually of something.

  4. well with no transportation the cure wouldn't be able to be distributed so probably still disease.

  5. global warming

  6. Starvation

  7. Getting drunk and falling off bridges on the way home because there are no taxis.

  8. Muslims with bagpacks and explosives strapped to their chest

  9. waiting

  10. We would keep on killing each other. Come on, you know that diseases aren't the only things that cause death.

  11. Entropy


  13. Old age, suicide, murder, falling. There are tons of ways to die besides diseases and accidents. We just don't think about them.

  14. ...a full life of good and bad experiences, and the opportunity to have shared them in life...a seasoned life of age...

  15. Half the population due to over s*x and the other half during giving birth.

  16. Sadness.

  17. we would from each other. we would be killing and stealing from each other. its would be a sad time. D:

    dying from old age may also be a cause of death.


  18. old age.

    a person who has never gotten sick in their life will end up dying sooner or later.

    you're organs, and everything that helps your body function grows old with you, and as old age comes, they start failing, and dying out.

    or even starvation, if there's no transportation. all the food wouldn't be able to be delivered to grocery stores, and farmers would run out of supplies to tend their crops. sure, some people would find alternatives, but resources would run out.

  19. Waiting for a bus

  20. old age

  21. Overweight, because not a lot of people walk nowadays, plus the fact Gt Britain have the greatest amount of lardies that can hardly breathe never mind walk, and what's their excuse it's my glands  

  22. Exhaustion from walking.

  23. frustration!!

  24. If you consider old age a curable disease.  Then people probably would eventually die from accidents and possibly suicides (due to boredom).

    The probability of having a fatal accident increases with increased lifespan.  And if you make the lifespan long enough.  Then dying from an accident becomes virtually certain.

  25. old age obviously.

  26. lol i was going to say boredom!

    well ppl die from all sorts of things, not just disease and being hit by a car.

    natural causes, broken heart, suicide. maybe death would become more of a choice and we could choose when we die.

    interesting question

  27. old age.

  28. chuck norris!!!

  29. old age, there are other ways to die apart from diseases you know, like murder, suicide, accidents just to name a few

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