
If there was a draft..Do you get to choose what military branch you want to join?

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If there was a draft..Do you get to choose what military branch you want to join?




  1. Yes as long as you sign up and get accepted to that branch before the draft gets you.  If not, you will be in the army.  

  2. In Soviet Army we did not. Sometimes they would take in consideration your profession, education, etc  prior to the draft.

  3. It would depend on how congress sets it up. In the past you did not have a choice. If there came a time when they started up a daft again, then it would just depend.

  4. yes.

  5. Depends on how the draft is set up.  In the past you have no choice if you actually get drafted.  Army.  Most people would join another branch before their number came up if they didnt want the army.

  6. As soon as you get your notice, run over to a recruitor office and join up in what branch you want. I did and went into the navy, instead of the Army.

  7. If I recall, the only service that had a Draft is the Army.  Since 1948 until 1973, during both peacetime and periods of conflict, men were drafted to fill vacancies in the armed forces which could not be filled through voluntary means (and of course both the Army and Marines were the two services that normally have the trouble getting enough people.

    What they would do, is line you up and one of the Sergeants would go down the line and pull a person out here, and pull a person out there and tell them they are now in the Marines.  Everyone else went into the Army.

    If you already had your paperwork completed for the Navy or the Air Force, you were all set to go.  Other than that, the Navy and Air Force never really had a Draft.

  8. If you get a draft notice and then immediately go to the military branch of you choice and qualify for that branch, that branch will sign you right up and put the date of you signing up earlier then the date of the draft. I know someone that successfully did this and got himself into the coast guard. I truly doubt that the draft will be started up though as as of now we have plenty of volunteers signing up. It would be foolish for any president to restart the draft. This caused too many problems in the past. I was around when we last had the draft, so I do know about this kind of thing.

  9. Once you're drafted you get to choose the one they picked for you, most likely Army...

  10. Not if you've actually been drafted.  Up until that point, your have your pick of the lot.

  11. no

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