
If there was a horrific attack like 9/11...

by  |  earlier

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would big brother housemates be notified, seen as they are allowed no contact with the outside world




  1. I think they only let them know what's going on outside if their family is involved.

  2. actually if it were to switch this c**p off for good then lets hope so

  3. 9/11 on big brother great, hate that show!

  4. They'd have to send them home, Channel Four is renowned for it's bad taste & insensitivity, I'm sure even they would have enough common sense to turn off the cameras and send them home...........well, you'd hope they would  

  5. only if their family or close friends died...

    and even then only one of them would be told, and probably removed from the house.

  6. They would probably stop production of the show.

  7. Family only

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