
If there was a hurricane for 6 months, what would be the best stuff to add to your survival kit?

by  |  earlier

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I'm making a kit for my family, and I have to do this for A HUGE PROJECT! ...I hate school.




  1. Structural Strap-Net your house before the 6-month hurricane, stock it up for 6-months/more of necesities, ride out hurricane.

  2. Bottled water, canned food, pet supplies, lots of plastic bags (use for waste, keep things dry, or use as a poncho), lots of those long lighters, a lantern with extra fuel, galoshes, ladder to stand on (?) when the water got high (how big is the kit?), rain coat. umbrella. lol.

    ...a plane ticket for before it hits. Doh!

  3. An Ark, and two of every animal.

    Good Luck

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