
If there was a mountain, and a lot of tourists go to hike it every year, how can I make it sustainable?

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if there was a mountain, and a lot of tourists go to hike it every year, how can I make it sustainable?

Once I remember my teacher saying that it will cause erosion because the hill is getting stepped on




  1. Give the mountain a catchy name and then put down some gin traps on the popular walking routes. Soon, only film crews looking for Grizzly Adams will go there.

  2. If tourists are visiting to see mountain, we can make it sustainable by providing more facilities to tourists and conserving the local environment so that any negative impacts can be minimized and keep the area as natural as before. Aware the local people and tourists not to pollute the area with their empty food cans, plastics and other waste. Spend some money for local people and environment so that locals participate in every touristic, environmental and development activities. Maintenance of foot trails, view points and other natural habitats will sustain both environment and people's livelihood.

    I don't understand the linkage of tourists and erosion. Only by stepping in the area may have very very small impact on erosion. But if your teacher is talking about more food to tourists, more land activities for food and more erosion due to agriculture then it can be solved by buying food for the tourists from other places with less pressure to local agriculture. That can be again a sustainable option.

  3. stick a lift in it!

  4. Make trails and force people to only use them

    have strict rules about people carrying the trash out with them .

    Fine them if you have to.

    Provide specific camping spots and have facilities for organic toilets .

    Have a bunk house and camping ground and a bar with food and drink on top and a reception on the bottom,so that you can make money at both ends

    and charge for the hike ,this can be economic,many people g hiking with their children

    In short contain the people totally on tracks ,and do not allow them to alter or even touch any place else and offer facilities and sustenance

    To be sure only let people go up with guides.,

    who they must pay for .

    This is how it is done in many places in Africa.

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