
If there was a nuclear war and we all got wiped out?

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What would happen to the men/women in the space station orbiting Earth. How long could they live for.




  1. They need re-supplying every couple of months or so. And it is doubtful they would be able to return to earth without ground support.

  2. I'm sure they'd find a Tesco open somewhere...

  3. They can live until they run out of food and water, but then they just get into the soyuz escape capsule and return to earth, I am sure they could find food and water when they got back.

  4. Probably untill there food & water run out unless they found another planet to live on.

  5. You have been up too long...put the pipe down......

  6. Well, the first thing they're gonna run ouf of is the Spam.  After that, it's everyone for themselves.  Soon, canibalism takes over.  Then crash to Earth.  Two survivors of crash, one man and one woman.  The new Adam and Eve - start all over - flint arrow heads etc.

    Adam & Eve

  7. Until their oxygen supply is depleted; given that they don't die of dehydation first, which is only a couple of days. Humans can survive weeks without food.  

  8. They'd be safe to come back after a few months.

  9. 132 days  

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