
If there was a restuarant that only served?

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really cheap poor mans meals like basic bologna sandwiches,etc would you eat there if the prices were also very very cheap?




  1. hey listen all our grandparents never even heard of a calorie or cholesterol and they all lived to be about a 150 years old. dont worry so much.

  2. There are places like this in the south that open up just for lunch.  When I went to school in the Louisiana there was one of those "roach coaches" that served fried bologna sandwiches.  My mother would not allow bologna in her house precisely bc she thought it was poor man's food.  Well, I THOROUGHLY enjoyed those occasional $1 "poor freshman" boloney sammiches!  Yum!!!!

  3. Possibly, It could be nice to go there to get together with friends but not have to spend a ton of money.  The only thing I would be concerned with is that cheap food is usually cheap for a reason (bad quality) I wouldn't eat meat from a restaurant that I knew was very low quality.

  4. YES... Jail.

  5. A place like that could do well. Look and p**a Jones. She served cold cut sandwiches and delivered them to peoples home. Now she is a millionaire.

  6. Sure, once in awhile. in fact I love fried baloney sandwiches

  7. I would have to say Yes only because there is nothing wrong with going back to the basics. Plus fried bologna sandwiches are just so good.

  8. A lot of people eat at McDonald's

  9. Yeah, there are places like this in the south. In Columbia, SC there is a place called the Lunch Box downtown, that serves some stuff like salads, but mainly everday sadwiches like ham, turkey, or hot dogs. It's really cheap and you should see the businessmen flock to it. Most people just don't want to take the time to pack a lunch and then sandwiches get soggy,etc. They do an awsome business, there is no where to sit, so there is just one huge line wrapping around the building.

  10. no. thats what the mcdonalds dollar menue is for.

  11. no

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