
If there was a war between all nations which country would win, no personal bias.?

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If there was a war between all nations which country would win, no personal bias.?




  1. The United States. That's an easy one. We have the most advanced military and we don't play nice. If there was a war between all nations, we'd turn everyone else into a glass parking lot.

  2. I disagree with the previous answers.  I would say china.  It has the advantage of numbers (out numbers the USA by 6 chinese to 1 american) and superior training to the average US soldier (although the US elite soldiers are far better than the chinese elite).

    Another concern I have about america, is that the current hatred felt towards americans on almost every continent would make them a prime target.

    EDIT - AF is wrong about the US having a larger Industrial base.  China took over america earlier on this year.

  3. There wouldn't be one winner.

    Countries would have to  form coalitions with other countries to help each other when attacked or when in need of supplies.

    Most probably the United States would join the powers with the European Union and ( although it would sound unlikely 50 yrs ago) with Russia.

    On the other side would be all communistic countries: China,North Korea and probably some other smaller republic countries in that area and Arabic countries, most likely Iran and Pakistan.

    Taking all that into consideration I think it's difficult to answer your question.

    Knowing what weapons might be used if there was a war I think the winner would be the last one to surrender and that could be either America or Russia.

  4. United States, obviously. It is by far the greatest military power, has the largest GNP, and the largest industrial base.

    And, Magic Mim is certainly off base. China outnumbers the U.S. just 4.3 to 1. But, that is irrelevant. The following numbers are more important.

    Active troops:

    U.S.: 1,426,000

    China: 2,255,000 (not even close to 6 to 1)

    Reserve troops:

    U.S.: 1,458,000

    China: 800,000

    Total active plus reserve:

    U.S.: 2,884,000

    China: 3,055,000 (not much difference, eh?)

    Military budget:

    U.S.: $623,000,000,000

    China: $80,000,000,000 (outspent 7.8 to 1)

    Aircraft carriers:

    U.S.: 12 (50% of the world's aircraft carriers)

    China: 0


    U.S.: 22 (79% of the world's cruisers)

    China: 0


    U.S.: 52 (26% of the world's destroyers)

    China: 28

    Nuclear submarines:

    U.S.: 72 (54% of the world's nuclear submarines)

    China: 10

    Obviously, from the above figures, China's navy is very lacking compared the United States' navy.


    U.S.: 2,604

    China: 3,079 (slight edge in numbers, but U.S. aircraft much more technologically superior)


    U.S.: 7,620

    China: 7,580

    Nuclear weapons:

    U.S.: 9,200

    China: 200 (outnumbered 46 to 1)

    Clearly, the military complex of the U.S. is much larger and vastly superior to China's. And, to say that China's troops are better trained? Huh?

    Plus, there are other factors, such as the fact that the United States is difficult to stage an attack on due to its location (between two oceans). And, the fact that the U.S. has military bases all over the world (China doesn't). I could go on but it is clear that the U.S. has the most powerful military in the world, by a fairly margin.

  5. No one...

    I think that all the major contenders have nuclear arms and they will all just annihilate each other, maybe the US if i had to guess...

  6. united states.

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