There are 3 Army alliances... which Army would prevail in battle against the other Army of Signs?. The Armies consist of people who are....
Army #1: Aries, Virgo, Aquarius, and Scorpio
Army #2: Leo, Capricorn, Gemini, and Cancer
Army #3: Saggitarius, Taurus, Libra, and Pisces
Each Army has 10,000 people! 2,500 in each sign. Male & Female
Which Joined forces would win? Based on how well they can fight, deal with each other, how much they dislike the other signs in the other Army, who can heal good and stuff, who could be the last person
whatever you think to support your answer.
Lol My Imaginative mind kicked in + I am in the Army and I thought of a creative somewhat fun question that everyone can enjoy.
Now go into battle!!! Fight, Die, Win!!! >: )
Also state your sign. I'm an Aries.
P.S. i'm not crazy! I'm just imaginative