
If there was an all out Nuclear war involving all global super-powers, where would be the safest place to be?

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I am guessing that the safest place would be in a modern nuclear powered submarine, at max depth, near one of the Earth's poles.

What do you think would be the safest place to be if everyone launched their nukes?




  1. The Andes mountains of South America.

  2. Southern Hemisphere would start to look real good.  More to the point Edinburgh of the Seven Seas would probably be as safe as anywhere else you could (reasonably(ish)) be.

  3. i would say another planet but by then, ur done for....

  4. Mars.  

  5. An exchange involving the total commitment of the strategic arsenals of the superpowers and their allies would render most of the earth uninhabitable. Most large hardened facilities would be on the target lists and even if you survived inside, there would not be much to come out to. The safest place would probably be in a non-combatant island country which is not in the path of fallout plumes.

    Your only hope of long term survival would be if the exchange was limited.

  6. On the Moon, or maybe Mars, but only if there is a stable self-sustaining colony.

  7. Right here.

  8. Inside the government's lab that is built inside a mountain and is designed to survive a nuclear attack.

  9. Unfortunately, WWIII will be global suicide, therefore in answer to your question, as long as there's rational superpowers who believe in MAD, there will be no WW3. By definition, the next world war wil be nuclear, how could it not. In a nuclear war there will be no winner. In a nuclear world, the only true enemy is war itself.

    The next World War will involve a nuclear exchange, how could it not if both sides believe no price for victory will be too high. In the first 30 minutes, nearly a billion people will have been vaporised, mostly in the US, Russia, Europe, China and Japan. Another 1.5 billion will die shortly thereafter from radiation poisoning. The northern hemisphere will be plunged into prolonged agony and barbarity.

    Eventually the nuclear winter will spread to the southern hemisphere and all plant life will die. You ask where is the best place to be, you are asking when will we commit global suicide. My answer is it won't happen soon because the larger superpowers are more rational than the rump states in the middle east.

    While we hear talk of a nuclear-Iran or a confrontation with NorKor, little is said about the 2 bulls in the glass shop. The arsenals of Russia and the US are enough to destroy a million Hiroshimas. But there are fewer than 3000 cities on the Earth with populations of 100,000 or more. You cannot find anything like a million Hiroshimas to obliterate. Prime military and industrial targets that are far from cities are comparatively rare. Our biggest threat is from an accidental launch by the Russians.

    At the point of global suicide, it doesn't matter who is on what side....where you go to hide, or how long you can survive. In a nuclear age like i said before, the only true enemy is war itself.

  10. Moscow

  11. Antartica deep inside the mountain range near the south pole. But eventually that would be futile as the earth goes into nuclear winter. Otherwise the moon sounds like a good place.

  12. Out in space.

  13. If the was an all out nuclear war the earth would be reduced to a smoldering pile of dust.  Sorry :)

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