
If there was i nuclear bomb where would you go?

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i would probably want to go to the moon so i didnt die




  1. How would you get there?lol , em well where ever it was being let off I would get the furthest I possibly could away , but hey if there was rockets heading in that direction id surely go!

  2. Thomas Cook and book a holiday away from the thing

  3. Of course you don't want to die because of some loony's hatred.

    You have pointed out the madness of nuclear war. There can be no winners. Well done and don't worry- the World has woken up to that fact.

  4. The House of Yahweh The only prophisied place of protection on eath.

  5. If there was a nucleur bomb, NOBODY would be going anywhere

    I despair.........

  6. go and sit in the garden and watch the birds while they are still there

  7. To Heaven.

  8. probably in a thousand different directions

  9. I would go into my garden and dissolve like the rest of humanity, there wouldn't be much point in trying to survive when everything around you would be contaminated.

  10. Either to Mars, or try to find a way to dismantle it or deflect its direction or effects... and stay on Earth....

  11. Jill says: Egypt

    I say: America to one of the houses with a safe house

    in the opposite direction

  12. Up wind from it.

  13. Probably up in smoke like the rest.

  14. Possibly to to the washrooms, if it was imminent!

  15. I'd just wait and hope that I am close enough for death to come quickly.

    What would there be to live for after? Watching your loved ones die slow agonizing deaths, scrounging for food, anarchy and the low-lives running rampant.  Better to just get it over with.

  16. There are nuclear bombs, plenty of them.

  17. No need to go that far. If you are too close to ground zero, yeah, you're toast. Otherwise there will be a terribly bright flash, you have 10-30 seconds to get to shelter, a ditch, a basement, a stone wall, anything that might shelter you from the shockwave coming from the direction of the flash. If you survive the blast wave (there may be more than one) then you need to start walking in a direction that will take you away from the downwind area of the bomb. It might be a good idea to breath through a wet cloth, change cloths every 15 minutes, discard the old one.

    See "Life After Doomsday" by Bruce Clayton for everything one needs to know to survive a nuclear holocaust.

  18. Only problem with going to the moon is that you'd die there too since it's unhabitable at the present time (not until they build a moon base). Even then, it's not going to be self-sustainable for a long time.

    If I was within the radius of a nuclear blast, there's not much you really can do unless you were in a heavily protected blast shelter deep underground.

    If a bomb went off somewhere in the world... well... that stuff happens all the time so I'm not really too bothered about it :).

  19. Well, the moon isn't a bad idea, but....What about provisions, and air supply? And that would probably be expensive to do so such as traveling there. I think I would go underground. Cheaper, and I definitely know I would have enough food, yet I'm not too sure about air supply because of radiation(LOL)!!!!!^_^

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