
If there was no pain or sadness do you think you could feel happy?

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happiness would be unappreciated and boring because without an opposite feeling how would we know we were actually happy?

So how can heaven be an eternity of happiness? wouldnt that get boring?




  1. Well all the happiness you know today is this type of happiness.

    Consider as well as a finite human can a paradise where all the desires of your heart are met with infinite possibilities. This is the reason that we can not even comprehend the greatness of Heaven and God.

  2. yes of course!!!!!! Gods Kingdom will be so fantastic!! Eden was grreat till satan showed up!!

  3. happiness is boring? I'm verclempt.

  4. I agree

    How would you know the difference?

  5. I would love to live without pain and sadness.....bring it on!

  6. No

  7. To answer this question we should know what the meaning of happiness is.

    As far as science concerned, happiness is the especial pattern of electrical activity of special parts of our brain. According to one famous experimental study, If you stimulate that part, you would become happy; Drugs also do that. Maybe if we could stimulate that party permanently, we would become happy and painless for the rest of our life.

    In conclusion, I should say we can drown ourselves in happiness and painlessness without experiencing any pain. However, given addicted persons, it leads to death eventually because pain and sadness are our essential means to avoid threatening dangers.

  8. To really know what happiness is, we have to also know unhappiness.

    And if we are happy all the time, with no troubles and worry, we don't grow as people.  

  9. that's a big YES

    just think what kind of world this would be if baby's didn't have adults

    around to teach them things like hate and discrimination,you know its

    right here in black and white

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