
If there was one mistake or event in your life that you could take back; what would it be?

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If there was one mistake or event in your life that you could take back; what would it be?




  1. Too many mistakes in my Past, to correct, 1 is no more or less significant then the other, they are just  mistakes, (not Big ones, just small ones),  that I wish I didn't make, mind you some of them, may have been life changing, (Right job, right woman, etc, etc, etc),   just won't know now...

  2. it would be 2 go bak 2 dec. 17 2007 and tell Caitlin how sry i am and how much i luv her

  3. Putting my daughter up for adoption at birth. I was 17 when I had her and my mom had already passed away when I was little. I was terrified of trying to raise her by myslef. Everyone else in my life told me I couldn't possibly do it alone. I was made to feel so unworthy of her. Like I was not fit to be her mom. I found her a wonderful family but regret it deeply. Know one can explain to you how much it hurts. It is owrse that someone dying in your family. It never really subsides and is always on the surface.

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