
If there were 2 pairs of identical adult twins...?

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and the boy marries one of the girl twins and same with the other pair would their babies look the same i've been wondering that. serious answers please




  1. Only by a tremendous amount of luck.  Within each sperm cell or ovum (egg) the possible combinations of the DNA are astromonical. To have two identical sperm cells (there are millions in an average ejaculation) find two identical eggs (women are born with all the eggs they will ever have, just in a immature state) out of the millions of possible eggs would be even more astronomical. So the odds would be quite small.

    With that being said, however, the possibility of them having enough genes that are similar to each other so that they will have a strong family resemblence is far more possible. I think I would be safe in saying that they could probably pass for siblings and not just cousins.  

  2. No. For the same reason as two siblings won't look the same even when they are the same parents, the same genes. It's due to recombination of the DNA.

    For starters you only have halve of your father genetic material and half of your mother's. The next kid might have the other halve of one or both of them.

    But genes can also recombinate. It means that parts from one halve of the father genes go to the other halve, so every kid would have different genes from their parents.

    It's a complicated process to explain. Look at the links I'v added as a source.

  3. OMG, i was wondering this exact thing a couple of days ago. But I'm pretty sure they wouldn't look the exact same. Because, think about it. If two of the exact same people have more than one kid, those two kids don't look the same. One of the babies would inherit different genes and stuff from the parents than the other one. So I guess the same is true is two set of twins got married. Also, even identical twins can often be told appart by close family members, because of enviromental factors. So that would also probably apply. Oh well, I'm not a scientist, so I could be wrong.  

  4. No because the males would each produce a huge number of different sperm in meiosis, as would the females and since fertilisation is random there are many possibilities in the offspring.

  5. This has actually happened - a pair of identical twins marrying another pair of identical twins.

    The children of each couple would be as genetically similar as siblings instead of cousins but each child would all be unique.

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