
If there were a riot breaking out in your town would you take part or not?

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If there were a riot breaking out in your town would you take part or not?




  1. right to protest is not a riot so put down your shields battons and gas quit arresting people and targeting the leaders cause they have a grevance and just because the minority hold on to some messed up belief that the majority is already doing but people are not able to carry on there protesting till they run out of steam no i dont think protest is a cause for someone standing over them cause there is something wrong with the system and someone is trying to egg them on cause there being discriminated against in schooling or whatever there protesting

  2. well my town is to big for a riot soooo uh no not with these bad kids they be havent riots at my school the be having guns and throwing food i be running!!

  3. No, I wouldn't participate.  It's disrespectful and irresponsible.  My goal would be to protect my family.

  4. ja me would

  5. No I would help the police get it stopped.

  6. no

  7. recently a riot broke out in my town.. no sensible person participated in was a political stunt...not indirectly....very much directly by the concerned party n b4 the elections are conducted even the director of this riot knows he's lost it all...that calls for a toast..cheeeeeeeeers

  8. Nope, i'll help the police to stop it.

  9. It is possible I would join on the case that the riot was in favor of a strong belief of mine. However, on the case that the riot was leaning against the law then I would probably not participate, just to be safe.

    Hope this helps,

    Crowder's Corner

  10. No, of course not.  I wouldn't destroy my neighbor's property....or anyone else's.  It accomplishes nothing.

  11. no, i would leave town

  12. I wouldn't.  I don't like controversy.

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