
If there were fewer sponges would the ocean be deeper?

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If there were fewer sponges would the ocean be deeper?




  1. No, they pump water through their bodies to filter out food, they don't absorb it. A natural sponge is not the whole animal, it's just the skeleton. A living sponge doesn't absorb water like it's dead skeleton.

  2. The answer has not changed since I answered this exact question about a month ago.  The existence of sponges living/growing/dying in the ocean has no effect whatsoever on the depth of the ocean anywhere on the planet.

    In response to those who think that the sponges would make the ocean infinitesimally deeper or shallower, please consider the following:  All of the molecules and elements that compose sponges (either living or dead) are already IN the ocean, so merely rearranging them does not add to the total mass being displaced. Example: a big fish eats a little fish, by their logic the ocean level should drop by a tiny but measurable amount, which is of course, ridiculous. There has been no change in the mass of water being displaced by solid material, it has merely been re-arranged.  

  3. yup  

  4. Edit: Actually, now that I think about it, the ocean would be shallower. Since sponges have density and mass, fewer sponges in the ocean would make it shallower. A sponge submerged in a bucket of water makes the water level rise.

  5. The ocean in question would not be deeper. The ocean would be shallower. You can test this idea yourself:

    Fill up a clear table glass with water but have a finger submerged. Mark on the glass the level of the water or just remember where it is. Now remove your finger from the water and you will see the water level drop.

    All objects have their own unique displacement volume.

    I hope this helps.


  6. YES

  7. No, the ocean would be more shallow. Sponges still have mass, and still take up space in the ocean, even though it absorbs some of the water. Think of it the same way as you think of taking a bath. When you're in the tub, the water is deeper. If you are removed from the tub, the water is more shallow. It's still the same amount of water, though.

  8. haha i dont know

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