
If there were no atmosphere in the EARTH,What would be the colour of the earth when seen from space?

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  1. I think it would just be green and blue, but probably not.

    A more likely answer is that it's red, with maybe a hint of blue, from the little water that's left. But after awhile, it would probably be very similar to Mars like the first guy said.

  2. Well... despite what people think, the Earth appears fairly white from a distance because of all the clouds. If you take the atmosphere away, then you would be able to see the surface of the earth itself.

    Assuming that the water didn't suddenly begin to evaporate (due to the lack of pressure) and the plants to suddenly die (due to no insulation from the atmosphere, and no CO2 to process), the Earth would look fairly blue and green.

    Once the water froze/evaporated, and the plants died, Earth would look mostly brown (due to the soil) and the remaining water-ice would be grayish white in colour.

    Evantually, as all organic material breaks down, the Earth would take on the colour of the bare rock, which would be a grayish colour for most of North America (the Canadian Shield is mostly gray granite).

  3. It would probably appear red like Mars because of all of the red soil.

  4. The Earth would still look blue (the sea) and mainly green/brown (the land).

    Of course in reality with no atmosphere its unlikely there would be any life so the land would be the colour of the underlying rocks (grey/brown) and the temperature extremes would make liquid water very unlikely.

  5. The earth would be brown, gray, and black because with not atmosphere there would be no water to make it blue and no plants to make it green. It would be brown, gray, and black because of the color of rocks.

  6. My first view - a panorama of brilliant deep blue ocean, shot with shades of green and gray and white - was of atolls and clouds. Close to the window I could see that this Pacific scene in motion was rimmed by the great curved limb of the Earth. It had a thin halo of blue held close, and beyond, black space. I held my breath, but something was missing - I felt strangely unfulfilled. Here was a tremendous visual spectacle, but viewed in silence. There was no grand musical accompaniment; no triumphant, inspired sonata or symphony. Each one of us must write the music of this sphere for ourselves.

    - Charles Walker, USA  

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