
If there were to be a depression, when do you think it'll happen?

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and do you think we will have one.




  1. Depression is a process rather than an event and it started happening as soon as GWB committed the US to huge expenditure and simultaneously cut taxes for his already extremely rich mates.

    Think of yourself buying a fleet of extremely expensive and gas guzzling cars (or some other huge ongoing expenditire item) and immediately leaving your job and taking a paper route instead.  Like a depression, its tough to climb out of.

    As of April, US government debt was 59.1 Trillion dollars

  2. When the dems and Obummer let the Bush tax cuts expire,

    raise all sorts of other taxes, and start spending money on all their pet projects I expect the dollar to collapse and fail which will precipitate a world crisis in most financial institutions: banks will fail all over the country, the stock market will crash a la 1929, inflation will soar out of control, the cities will burn, food, fuel, and medications will be very scarce if available at all, and eventually even the power plants will be unable to get fuel. You will know we are in really deep hot f***s when the lights go out and stay out...

  3. In December if the Flim Flam Scam Obama Man is elected

  4. As far as I'm concerned , it went into effect yesterday!

  5. It will happen if McCain  wins the election.

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