
If there were truly talented female boxers, would you still take women's boxing as a joke?

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If there were truly talented female boxers, would you still take women's boxing as a joke?




  1. no, but from what i've seen, there aren't any.

  2. it just aint appealing watching  a woman get knocked out in my opinion. they wernt born to break bones, they just make them, leave it to men to do the breaking  

  3. The boxing club i go to has female boxers nothing new.

    women and men are equal.

  4. No why. There are some good girls who are very good boxer. pound 4 pound its that German girl  by far....You seem to think so and you seem to think we do....what made you say that...

  5. Boxing is one sport you can honestly call 'Genderless' Since its not all about a Mans brute force. Its about training, determination and skill. In Japan there are Women who can take down most men, they train extremely hard daily, they diet hardcore, and work out. Boxing isn't about how strong you are, so Women would do just fine. (Not saying women are weak, but you know.) And its also an extremely good cardio. Who wouldn't want a fit woman that can kick @ss? Goodluck.

  6. women can box if they want, its like the wnba, they are good, ur just not going to get me to watch

  7. There are truly talented female boxers and they aren't a joke.  

  8. There are talented women boxers, but just like in basketball, the awe factor is greater for the men. The men get it too:

    Heavyweights are more popular than the lighter weights, even though the smaller guys' fights are more exciting, because people are more in awe of a 6'5" 250lb brute of a man who could kill a normal human being with a punch than a 118lb fighter who's smaller than the average guy. It's not sexist. Women are wonderful athletes worthy of respect. I support them!

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