
If they built a titanic2 would you take a cruise on it?

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of course it would have all the modern day technology,and would probably be a much safer ship..........BUT STILL WOULDNT IT BE A BIT ...TABOO....?




  1. no-it would be cool to say i did and to go in the front of the ship and have my arms wide open BUT

    i think its kinda like a bad luck thing

  2. yeah why not if price is right and it goes where you want to yeah i would how about you would you sail on titanic #2

  3. That would depend on if they built the ship to code of today's maritime safety, including having enough lifeboats. Cruise ships now are bigger and faster than the Titanic was, but safer than ever.  A ship hitting an iceberg and sinking is a near impossibility.  I would defintely cruise on it, just because it is the Titanic2. (But I doubt anyone will ever name their ship Titanic2... ever)

  4. yeah.

  5. I would cruise on it.  Just because the first one sank doesn't mean that would be the fate of the second one.

  6. well since there are bigger ships now.. we don't need another titanic unless they're going to be the LARGEST ship ever made.. and those cruiseliners are pretty dang big!

    i don't like cruiseliners.. scarey stuff..   whether they sink or not.. it's that strange international waters thing that spooks me.

    weird stuff can happen, but mostly is covered up.

  7. Sure! But would not be able to resist standing at the front, arms outstretched  and shouting "KING OF THE WORLD!!!" haha

  8. I would definitely save enough money and go, but only on the following conditions:

    a) it must an exact replica of the original ship

    b) it comes with a approximate replica of the iceberg, which is to be planted at exact same latitude and longitude as the original piece

    c) the ship takes exact same course as the original

  9. As long as they don't dub it "Unsinkable" . That, to me, is just tempting fate!!

  10. Sure.

  11. The trouble with the Titanic was that is didn't receive the warning of adverse weather conditions, and the warning about the build-up of icebergs.  The captain was a bit gung-ho, and didn't post extra lookouts, as any good captain would.

          But with today's technology; weather forcasting; satelites showing weather patterns, etc.

           NO WAY!

  12. I might,but someone would have to ride on it before me.(If the ship makes it past the maden voyage.)

  13. Sure...

    2nd voyage...

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