
If they changed all the stop signs to yeild signs would that help save gas?

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If they changed all the stop signs to yeild signs would that help save gas?




  1. Not really. Plus there would be a lot more accidents. People don't stop at stop signs now, if they didn't have to, they'd all think they'd have the right of way.

  2. no because people who see yield signs think of them as stop signs, EVEN WHEN THEY HAVE AN ENTIRE SPEED UP LANE INFRONT OF THEM. i absolutly hate that! but no, because even if you slow down your still burning gas, and change in speed burns gas.

  3. It depends on the intersection. There are some intersections that you may be waiting on traffic that has the right of way for quite some time.

    They're doing that here in Livingston County, Michigan, but that's also with the installation of many roundabouts.

  4. Yes.  After all the accidents, there will be fewer people driving

  5. in Santa Monica there used to  a lot of yield signs and no body

    yield in the first place! so the city changed all the yield signs

    to stop signs instead..

  6. Yes, it would save gas, but there would be more accidents so it wouldn't help anything.

  7. It sure would...! After all the wrecks there would be a lot fewer cars driving around. (......sheesh.....) You've definitely got the makings of a traffic engineer : )   : )

  8. Maybe if people actually stopped at stop signs, rather than just coming to a rolling stop as if it was a yeild in the first place.

  9. it might, because nobody could go anywhere..... too many vehicle pileups blocking all the roads.

  10. what you would save on gas would not make up for the rising insurance costs.

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