
If they could build the Great Wall of China, why can't we build one

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to protect our borders? We even have bulldozers and such. Given our technological advances, we should be able to do it in short order.




  1. It took China 600 years to build and in the end, it didn't keep the barbarian hordes from pillaging and invading.

  2. Sounds good to me, where do I sign up?  I can sling some mortar. Just think of all the new jobs it would create.  :)

  3. If a wall was built then illegals would fly over it; go around it or dig under it. Other then using it as a symbol building a wall would be a massive waste of money. It would be better to spend the money on enforcing our laws. Word of mouth will spread and the flow of illegals into our country will stop.

  4. If Congress would authorize the money, I'm sure there would be contractors beating down the door to get a part of that action. Especially with new homes being built at such a low level.

    Not necessarily the Great wall, but a border fence at lease.

  5. It did not work either.

  6. We don't need a great wall, we need a 3000 miles long trench with land mines in it.

    Then anything that moves south of the border trying to get in will get sprayed with automated machine gun fire.

  7. the great wall of china huh? you do know that the great wall of china was a fiasco right?

  8. Yes, It would cost money and need to be maintained. But, it has to be cheaper even with debt service than having illegals coming through the border and those running across the border to give birth etc. And, it provides a certain amount of protection in the terrorism front as no one with a nuke in their backpack can just come across at will.

  9. Or something cheaper like those super tall security walls Israel is building around the West Bank to keep out those crazy Palestinians.

  10. Because the only people willing to work are the Immigrants. They know that they won't get enough citizens to do the work, and if they got some, they know the cost would go up because they would demand more pay, longer breaks, weekend and Holidays off.......and maybe even a Holiday Party!  

  11. Alright! we have our first volunteer. Get started in LA and we will all join in later.

  12. Youre talking about the United States taking on a construction project to rival one of the 8 wonders of the world.  Im not sure if the economy can handle the strain but lets wait for the reports to come in.

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