
If they invented a time machine in the future...?

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Why haven't they visited our time yet? This leads me to believe time travel will never be possible, what do you think?




  1. may be they don't know yet how use correctly the time machine......

  2. perhaps they don't want to be discovered, so are in hiding. it's not exactly easy to detect if they change their clothes upon arrival

  3. Everyone claiming to have come from the future is in the Nut House

  4. Why would they want to visit us? also how do you know they havent already been here? theremay be some rules in place about not contacting or changing the time they visit

  5. right well think about this all the things u do and will do are in a loop

    so  if some one came back right and changed sumat

    the loop would change and then the point they came from would neva happen and they would die in effect

    so why would they change owt?


  6. If a time machine is constructed somewhere in the future, those people will only be able to go as far back in time as when that time machine was created, no further.

    Some scientist came up with this, and it makes sense to me.

  7. Ehh.. the first time machines could only go forwards in time.  We're still working on the backwards part.  

    Odds are they already made a time machine a while ago, but when they used it... well, we have to catch up to them.

  8. What "Over the Edge" above me said is true.

    I was going to say about the first part on how theoretically you could only travel back to the time the first time machine was turned on, ad no further. He has a much more in depth description on the other possibilities though.

    Quantum theory is fascinating though.

  9. If you thinking that a person in 2500 can come all the way back to 2008 then i think you are wrong. I am sure that it isnt possible cause then you will need to turn back all the energy from its form in 2500 into its form in 2008. to explain this is not that easy cause i took years to come up with this answer(i had this question too SHOULD HAVE TAKEN THE PATENT). so i dont think you should ever believe that tommorow a person would jump out of no where telling "hello i am from 2500".


  10. If time travel were possible, and I don't think it is, one theory says you can only go back to the time the machine was first turned on. If you ascribe to the multiple-worlds interpretation of quantum theory, you would not travel back into your own past, but into the past of an alternate space-time continuum. How you would get back is any-body's guess.

    One of the big factors that no one seems to consider is if you were able to time travel in your own time-line, you can travel to any point in time, including 1 Planck time (10e-43 seconds). What would happen then? Would there be 2 of you occupying the same space at the same time. Not a pretty site when your molecules and atoms become entangled.

    There are just to many variables to factor in to make it feasible. Of course, I could be wrong.

  11. perhaps they took one look at the s hit we have made of the planet and gone elsewhere

  12. Maybe there's not much future left!

  13. Interesting...maybe they don't want to come back to now...would you if the future was better?

  14. We are in the future, and it's not a pretty one. Tomorrow haven't happened yet.


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