
If they know who made all the crop circles...why haven't they been arrested..

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or put on the news reports? I imagine it's against the law to come onto someone's property and mow down their wheat crop etc. So why haven't we heard that they were caught and arrested? The ones who said they did it...couldn't possibly be going all over the world doing it.Do you have the article that said they found the culprits? Please post a link to it if you do. Otherwise...what makes you think they're man made?




  1. Funny how this latest incident happens just before an x-files movie.

    But it is intriguing.

  2. Just some interesting info on this...

    There are actually only about 20 people who have been fined over the years for making crop circles. There are also multiple methods for faking crop circles that must be identified as a "signature" for the crop circle makers. I should point out that vandalism is a crime, and so commissioned crop circles fall well outside the "hoax". I don't see them inviting researchers in to study hoaxes so that they can finally debunk the entire phenomenon, either.

    It is established scientific fact that some crop circles are created by a point source that emits electromagnetic radiation. At least one experimental physicist has validated this claim and verified (and videoed) little "balls of light" which seem to be able to cause the node lengthening in some crop circles. This is what differentiates "real" crop circles from "hoax" crop circles.

    Not to mention, I would certainly tend not to trust those who had something to gain commercially as a reliable source of information. People who get paid to do it aren't vandals, they're professional artists. As such, it's in their best interests to claim that all crop circles are hoaxes, because then they make more money that way.

    No test that I am aware of to date has ever been able to re-create the node lengthening and other chemical changes made to the plants (MIT's microwave emitter was interesting, but didn't accomplish it in spite of being able to explode several apical nodes in a fairly crude way), never mind being validated as matching by scientists in the field (such as our physicist, who is a fully-qualified PhD in experimental physics).

    Finally, there are circles which have been made in places which are nearly inaccessibly from the street, such as those found in a government-owned and high-security barley field in 2004 in Chilbolton (interestingly enough, not too far from the radio telescope there). It's no mystery that the crop circles themselves are real, but the question still remains as to how they're formed. Very little scientific research actually goes into finally laying it to rest, but why is this the case? If it's so easy to do, why haven't hoaxers' web sites given an idea about the technology needed to accomplish the complete fakes?

    Also, whatever technology drops micronodules of magnetite (not your typical iron, but actual meteoric magnetite) across the circle with a lateral distribution has some applications that would revolutionize the manufacturing industry and make whomever could describe it fabulously wealthy. Why aren't they pursuing patents on anything of this nature, or offering it to the world?

    Also, to date, there have been 150+ crop formations which have formed in front of actual researchers, debunkers, and others who have an interest in showing how fake it really is. To my knowledge, this would be beyond the technological grasp of most hoaxers.

    Finally, with the "pi" crop circle (discovered June 1, 2008) which graphically represents the constant taken to the tenth place, three separate hoaxing groups claimed credit, though not one of their members could carry pi to the tenth place... something to consider about the intellect of the average hoaxer. The hoaxers and researchers who were questioned about this by police went unreported because there was no story there. If hoaxers claim work that isn't theirs, how can they possibly be trusted as a valid source of information?

    There's something happening here. The question is, what is it?

    Oh, and... for those who don't believe me about the "pi" crop circle, the links in my "sources" are there... it's real, and can't really be easily explained.

  3. A lot of people actually pay for other people to come and make crop circles, especially the more artist ones that might take a few days or a lot of help.  Look up 'circle makers'.  Most people don't consider them all that destructive - they aren't cutting down too much of the crop, after all.

  4. A few of these hoaxers have been caught, but unless the farmer is sitting out in his field with night-vision goggle (not likely), it would be pretty hard to catch these jokers. What makes me think they are man-made? Because it's super easy to make them, because we have many examples of people making them, because hoaxers love to hoax, because it's fun seeing people make fools of themselves over how some bent wheat is evidence of aliens, because the reason why people climb mountains is because they exist, and because it's a chance to get your artwork displayed on news reports and websites around the world. I'd do it too if I had some fields around here.

  5. Man fined £100 for making crop circle

    From the Swindon Advertiser, first published Tuesday 7th Nov 2000.

    A man was fined £100 after admitting damaging farmland while creating crop circles in Wiltshire.

    Matthew Williams, 29, of Bishops Cannings, near Devizes, appeared before magistrates in what is believed to be the first such prosecution in the country.

    Gábor Takács and Róbert Dallos, both then 17, were the first people to be legally charged with creating a crop circle. Takács and Dallos, of the St. Stephen Agricultural Technicum, a high school in Hungary specializing in agriculture, created a 36-meter diameter crop circle in a wheat field near Székesfehérvár, 43 miles (69 km) southwest of Budapest, on June 8 1992.


    Those were two cases that I found by Googling for a few minutes, maybe there are more.

    Not everybody admits to making them - it kind of spoils the prank if you are going own up to it-  and they would only be prosecuted if the owner of the crop filed a complaint.

  6. Have you ever tried to arrest an alien?

    They are slippery characters, to say the least.

  7. Deenie, there you go thinking outside of the box! How dare you ask for proof?

    Why don't you believe what the controlled media has told you? I think they're going to round you up and send you off to a re-education camp.

    Seriously, why? They haven't, nobody has proven that they were a hoax or you are right there would be prosecutions. You know how sue happy everyone is.

    There you go spoiling my theory, I thought you were a bubble gum chomping bimbette and there you go making me a liar. ;)

  8. Interesting video, and the commentator who was later shot dead.

    An old story I know, but one that needs to be understood to understand - If you kNow WhOt I mean.

    Crop circles = Aliens = Disclosure = hostile Aliens = defense contracts and space weapons.

    Sorry - was that a government- owned barley field in the post above ?

    Post above - Fox news - great. Giving the word the news from a bottle.  

    An awful lot of these in England aren't there? Many US bases flying covert ops in the UK are there ? - you bet,   How do you get into a field and out without leaving tracks - ask any pilot.

    Why no radar reports from the RAF ? - work it out.

    How do they get so much detail - only visible from the air....

    I know they have been developing microwave weapons for a long time now , even for "riot control" now- Put a mask in front of one of them - and you will get a picture - or rather a pattern of scorched material that contained water. Add that to the vortex created by helicopter blades - and you get.....  crop circle.

    Put microwave or neutron weapons in space - and you can have your very own crop circle -  just for you.

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