
If they made cars that run on something other than gas, would that help save gas? or would we use more gas?

by  |  earlier

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  1. Cars use a large percentage of gasoline consumed, so yes it would save gas. We would also produce less if less is needed.

  2. well it depends on what kind of thing the new car ran on, if you use corn oil then it wouldnt use more gas because your basically pouring corn in your car but if they use hydrogen it would because you have to use alot of electricity to get hydrogen out of water so you have to find a way to make electricity, now if they used solar electricity it wouldnt use more gas but apparently their not that smart because they have been using coal and oil.

  3. it would definitely save more gas unless the stuff they started running the cars on cost more than gas then nobody would buy the cars that runned on it untill they stopped making the cars that run on gas and all of them got too old to run so if they did that in the future it would save more gas but cost more money

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