
If they remove your bile, the toxins filtered by the liver will go to the intestines how?

by Guest65216  |  earlier

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I know people can live without their bile(how - I suppose on a rigid diet, right?), but the liver needs to dump the toxins it filtered from the blood. How will this be done, if the bile is cut out? Is there a special conduct only for this purpose?




  1. I think you're confusing the removal of the gallbladder with the removal of bile. When a gallbladder is removed, the bile still flows from the liver down the common bile duct to the duodenum. If you're interested in the whole path, you can check it on Wiki or some such. One of the worrisome complications of cholecystectomy (removal of the gallbladder) is that a stone in the common bile duct may be missed at the time of surgery.

  2. Confirming above. There's no surgery to remove bile itself - this is a chemical the liver produces continously. There is however surgery to remove the gall bladder under certain circumstances, but the 'common bile duct' stays in place. The gall bladder simply stores bile until you eat, at which point it dumps it into the intestines.

    Remove the gall bladder and the liver simply produces the stuff and dumps it straight into the intestine. As mentioned, this can cause interesting results when you consume fatty foods, which need the bile to be absorbed by your body, and there's only a limited supply.

    There's also actually not a lot of drugs and substances that use biliary  excretion. By and large, most drugs and chemicals go through something called conjugation in the liver and are then removed by the kidneys. Biliary excretion is... I don't want to say it's unimportant, but it's not one of the excretion routes that we worry about.

  3. The bile is not going to be removed. If you have gallstones or malfunctions of your gall bladder, the gall bladder may be removed by surgery. The gall (bile), produced by the liver will then directly flow into the intestines without any storage by a  bladder. It may sometimes create problems when you east fatty food since that would require for digestion more bile than what is continuously produced. But your body will adjust.

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