
If they were to increase the drinking age from 21 to X, would someone that was 21 have to wait until they're X

by  |  earlier

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to be able to drink again, or would they still have the right to drink, even though the drinking age was increased?




  1. I think drinking and s*x and voting should not be legal until you are X. Perhaps they could grandfather in the 21 year olds.

    Of course, by doing that, all of our young people would be X rated.

    h**l, they already are.

  2. Is this an Algebra question?

    21= X over Y times 21 minus X. So what's the answer?

  3. I think that you would be grandfathered, but I can never be too sure.  Two years ago NJ changed to buying age of tobacco to 19 and did not grandfather 18 year olds that had already been buying legally.  It is very unfair for such things to happen, but as long as you let government walk al over you they will.

  4. They would have to wait.

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