
If things continue to change at the current rate, when will the US be 10% vegan?

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I know that right now it's estimated to be 2-3%, but I don't know how fast it's changing. Does anyone know?




  1. I'm not so sure it will ever get more popular, in fact, I could see it getting less popular, since, in my opinion, it's really not cheap to eat healthy. Just my opinion though

  2. I believe you'll find it's less than 1%. Mankind has been meat eaters for millions of years, it would take that long to change to veganism. It won't happen, so if you believe in being a vegan, forget statistics and just live your life the way you want to.

  3. It will be a long time for 10% vegan.  Vegetarian maybe 100 yrs.

  4. im not sure about percentages BUT i wish the world will be 100% vegetarian! i make changes in my life that i one day wish the world would be!

  5. Hopefully soon!

    I imagine Heaven to be a place where I don't have to check the ingredients on everything I buy and I can go to any restaurant I want and eat whatever I d**n well please.

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