
If things were so bad under Bush how did housing prices get so high to begin with? Why is unemployment low?

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If things were so bad under Bush how did housing prices get so high to begin with? Why is unemployment low?




  1. First of all, I'm sorry to say the number of unemployed people is going up.  Housing prices went up so much because lenders were giving loans to anybody.  

  2. he made us believe good times would never end.

  3. The economy is only one example of how things became so bad under Bush...........

  4. Bush has a 24% approval rating. Most conservatives don't like him b/c he wont stick up for himself. (would Kerry have been any better- c'mon now)

    The DEMOCRATIC Congress has a 9% approval rating, but most of them will be reelected in November. But the news organizations (All Bill Clinton(ABC), Nobody But Clinton(NBC), Clinton News Network(CNN)) won't tell you that.

  5. While under Bush lenders gave out loans for mortgages like candy. So the available housing at the time was low. So supply and demand raised the prices on homes. Now with all the homes available on the Market housing prices or in the decline. Unemployment is low because Manufacturing jobs of product for expanding countries like China who want cheaper American products. That is why the unemployment rate is low. It is high is certain parts of the country. But overall it is low across the country.  

  6. The economy is only bad to lazy people who can't get off their butts and go find a job.

    If people would just focus on their own households,and not everyone elses,then mabye that thing called responsibilty would show how much power it is capable of.

    Stop relying on the government to take care of what you can take care of yourself!

    Bush is doing the right thing.He is protecting our country,and ensuring that America remains a superpower.

    They can use my taxes to protect this country I enjoy,and I'll take care of my own household by working hard.

    I suggest you wine babies do the same!

  7. "unemployment low"

    Are you high??? People on food stamps have increased 20%. Jobs have been declining rapidly, now thousands losing their jobs.

    People can only have jobs IF THERE ARE JOBS TO DO!

    I suggest you leaving your villa for couple of days and find out how the average person is barely scraping through life. On the brink of losing their jobs, have two jobs but still can't afford health care, hundreds who wouln't go to collage as they have barely anything to eat etc etc etc.

    Try it!

  8. Unemployment is not low. Where did you get that information? It's higher than it has been in years.

    Subprime mortgages went high due to the fact that lenders were lending to anyone.

    It crashed, and here we are.

  9. The economy, including housing, was going great under president Bush until the democrats took over congress in 2006. It all went in the toilet after that. Blaming a president is just a silly thing we do. And we elect the jerks in congress for life. Time to throw the tea back in the harbor. We need to eliminate the democrats and republicans.

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