
If this goes through isn't more evidence that democracy is being killed off by this excuse for a?

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prime minister. But how does he get away with bribery to get his own way. Where is the strong opposition to protect us from his double dealing?

ITN - A backbench rebellion is likely over planning law reforms which will affect major projects such as nuclear power stations and motorways.

The changes are intended to speed up the planning process and eliminate the prospect of such developments becoming bogged down in inquiries and appeals.

However, opponents claim democratic accountability will be weakened and would see controversial plans forced through against local opposition.




  1. Right trish, the will of the people means nothing, this is demonstrated once again with this legislation.Brown is about to suffer  payback from voters when the UK economy slides due to energy costs.This legislation is almost 100% to speed up and permit nuclear power stations . the other wind power etc is window dressing.

    He will suffer in future elections, it serves him right because he is from the same school as those who packed this country with Muslims , Africans and Eastern Europeans for a cheap work force , he did this with no single word of agreement from the real British. He now wants to build nuclear power stations again without bothering  to get genuine consensus agreement, how typical

  2. The plans are supposed to give the public more chances to oppose any plans instead of the one chance they get just now.

    they will also, apparently, offer elected members the chance to be included in the process much earlier & so have more of a say inwhat is happening.

    Yes, all decisions will still be made by a non-elected committee, but there will be more opportunity to have your own say in proceedings than there is now.

    At least, that's what was said on GMTV this morning.

  3. Yes. They always seem to be "rushing through" some legisation or another....we only seem to hear about it they day it's being voted on, seems kinda suspicious to me

  4. The Labour party dismantled all the old processes as a pay off to the many minority groups who backed.

    Now they find that in many areas they are being defeated by complex processes they put in place which were meant to pretend people had more say but not stop big business getting its way.

    It has backfired with protesters winning countless battles to stop certain developments of large scale projects, like wind farms, runways and refuse incinerators but has allowed any old groipu of people to turn up and occupy other people's land and leave it in a mess.

    What they are doing now is reversing what they have done in what will be a highly inefficient and costly manner, with the tax payer footing the bill.

  5. Brown is a petty dictator, and a Scottish one at that, who hates England and is out to destroy us. That is why we do not have a parliament, that is why we are now run by Scots and Welsh votes by MP's who do not have to worry about their constituents being P1ssed off. He has also bought off the Law in the shape of the judges in the case of the Lisbon Constitution, sorry Treaty, so you can wave good bye to any hope of relief in the future as no doubt Brussels will poke its unwanted nose into our affairs further now. Brown doesn't double deal, not even his left hand knows what his right is doing.

  6. This government are using the'We know best!You know nothing attitude'!Type of politics!

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