
If this is a question, then what is the answer ?

by  |  earlier

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If this is a question, then what is the answer ?




  1. The answer, young grasshopper lies within you.

  2. The answer lies in the question.

    What is the Matrix?

  3. semantics: if "this" is the question, then "what" is the answer

    so this is the question

    so the answer is "what"

  4. It's not really a question now, is it?

  5. I get it, the answer is nothing.

  6. Uncle Remus 54 ponders the question deeply standing in the rain with dark sunglasses and a black overcoat looking over the edge of a tall building neath a rainy sky....


  7. If this is the answer, then what was the question?

  8. You might not like the answer to your question

  9. Likewise if this is an answer ,then where is the question.

  10. If "this" is a question, then the answer is what "this" is.

  11. holy c**p that's deep lol

  12. uhhhhhhhhhh..........  im kinda slow so IDK LOL

  13. This.

  14. It's not a pre-requisite that to be a question it has to have an answer.

    Some don't.

    Or...I guess that was my answer.

  15. The answer is neoloxigization.

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