
If this is global warming its not so bad, i think al gore should give his awards back ?

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national snow pack is thicker then it has been in 44yr , the ice that was "melting" last fall in the north atlantic is refrozen and thicker then it was last yr at this time, and its a 1\4 of a degree nationally cooler then the 20th century average

so exactly where is global warming?




  1. Global warming exist in the minds of the believers just like the space ship existed behind the comet Hale-Bopp.

    The only thing missing is the kool-ade.

  2. dear djominou

              I agree with you  I think al gore just wanted attention so he thought global warming up to get in the news. YES give the  awards back

  3. Thank the lord for global warming because around 1850 we were coming out of the little ice age.  Imagine glaciers in New York City, San Francisco and Chicago.  We would all be living in Florida now.

  4. It really is bad.

  5. He would probably be happy to give it back if things haven't changed for the worse in 100 years.   You gonna wait around to remind him?

  6. It is called "global warming" because as a global average, the temperature is climbing.

    The fact that your "little square" of the world is having a cold winter, doesn't change the fact that globally our water reservoirs are evaporating at alarming rates, the ice caps are dissapearing, coastal water levels are rising, and many areas are experiencing severe droughts. So be thankful for your cold and snowy winter.

  7. yea there is no global warming

    i just can't understand why when i was a kid we had snow on the  ground all winter long with drifts over the back fence, that was there till the end of march.  also for the last few years we have less and less snow and this year it only snowed about 4 times and then it was gone in 2 days every time.

    hmm maybe my first statement is wrong and i should pull my head out of the sand and look around

  8. It never was. The Chinese dodged a bullet if it had been any worse 2 million could of died.

  9. Global warming hasn't gone away just because we're having a cold winter due to a strong La Nina cycle.  I really wish it were that easy, but it's not.

  10. Same place it's always been. It's really tiresome explaining to people that global warming and local climate are two different things. I have to assume at this point that people who conflate the two are doing so deliberately because they have no valid arguments.

    "The year 2007 tied for second warmest in the period of instrumental data, behind the record warmth of 2005, in the Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS) analysis. 2007 tied 1998, which had leapt a remarkable 0.2°C above the prior record with the help of the "El Niño of the century". The unusual warmth in 2007 is noteworthy because it occurs at a time when solar irradiance is at a minimum and the equatorial Pacific Ocean is in the cool phase of its natural El Niño-La Niña cycle."

  11. Global warming is still going on.  NASA data:

    discussed in detail, with confirmation, at:

  12. It was Hollywood that gave Gore his award. And yes, he should give it back. He set out to throw the country in to  a panic, based on unfounded facts, and it almost worked. But America has caught on and most people now realize the whole thing was a hoax.

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