
If this is true, Im gonna be freaked out?

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Is it true that during a woman's menstruation, men are more attracted to that woman? I know this is true in like dogs, but like people?? I never knew that!




  1. i don't think that's true i think men are attracted either way.

  2. I am, relation's during that time are great, the bigger b***s are a plus!  I also love to try and make her feel better, with flowers, chocholate and taking her to her fav. places to eat! :)

  3. Not always...and some never realize she's on it. However the hormone changes can cause an additional 'scent' to be given off and some guys do pick up on it and are attracted.

    However, in dogs the female in heat is more likely to get humans a female menstruating is not more likely to become pregnant, so it's a completely different situation.

  4. I'm not really sure, I never ask girls if they are menstruating.

  5. no actually its when a woman is ovulating!!! because then you are supposed to mate with a man!!!

  6. So where did you hear that one????  Here is the deal, in animals it is during their cycle that they can get pregnant.  In humans it is about 2 weeks before menstruation begins.  It only makes sense that if there where some pheromones going on to make men attracted it would be during the time when they can get pregnant, not during menstruation.

  7. How would he know? I would say it is not true

  8. Never heard of that- I have heard it grosses guys out- as long as you shower and keep yourself clean- no one will know if it "is that time of the month"

  9. I wouldnt say that its true, men are attracted to women at all times. Sometimes women and men both want s*x when a woman is on her period alittle more but thats not always the case.  

  10. its not true...but anatomy explains a lot...when you ovulate your hair shines more and your eyes glow,your skin though,breaks out sometimes...nut its your crappy mood that pushes man away during that time...

  11. I don't believe so, but when you menstruate you are going to be so horny!

  12. Never heard such a thing

  13. OMG haha!

    well, Ive never heard of that before, but now that I think about it, my BF looks forward to banging on the rag haha.  eeeeewwwwww!

    wtf! haha.  You know what? it may very well be true after all!

  14. h**l no. I generally lock myself in the basement as long as I can. I find anything that bleeds for seven days and doesn't die is at least a little wierd.

  15. Hmm never heard that lol.  But some people whine a lot during that week, so I doubt men are more attracted to them =P

  16. I doubt. I know when im menstruating im bloated and ill

  17. Not true ! Like just like the myth of not being able to get pregnant at that time of month, it's false

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