
If this is truth: Muslims believe what the bible says about Jesus, why they deny what HE said?

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He loved Israel much, to the point of crying for it, yet the islamic nations want their destruction. I quote Ammadinahjad from Iran :April 2006

"We say that this fake regime (Israel) cannot not logically continue to live. Open the doors (of Europe) and let the Jews go back to their own countries."

"The Zionist regime is an injustice and by its very nature a permanent threat. Whether you like it or not, the Zionist regime is heading toward annihilation. The Zionist regime is a rotten, dried tree that will be eliminated by one storm."

(Speech at a conference in Tehran)

Is he a muslim brother of yours? And if you don't consider this man your brother in Allah, why does not any muslim denounce him as a hater, war monger, etc,? The friend of my enemy is my enemy, the friend of my friend is my friend, the enemy of my enemy is my friend. Is he enemy of Islam, or friend? What is the sincere truth?




  1. Well, for starters, Muslims do *not* believe what the bible says about Jesus.  They do not, for example, believe that he was resurrected - an extremely important event in Christianity.

    So, you're premise is flawed.  The Muslims believe that Jesus was a prophet, but they believe what the Qur'an says about Jesus, not what the Christian bible says about him.


  2. the koran speaks more of jesus than muhammad.

  3. Muslims believe that Jesus was a prophet, not the Son Of God. Not having the same view of Him includes not having the same view of Israel as bible believing Christians do. They even believe that it was Abraham's son Ishmael was chosen by God rather than Isaac as the bible says.

    It is the Son of God who is now presently appearing to thousand upon thousands of Muslims in their dreams and bringing Him to Himself.

  4. Nice inappropriate answer to my question Little Johnny.  Your question is grammatically incorrect so I am unable to give you the answer you desire.

  5. The Qur'an claims that only parts of the Jesus mythology are true.  Other parts are denied altogether.

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