
If this means Bush is responsible for the drop in oil prices, does it mean he's responsible for the rise too?

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Bush and Cheney have been marinated in oil ever since took office. Oil prices skyrocketed. And by much more than $10. They have done nothing to regulate the obscene and rampant speculation on Wall Street. And for good reason- they and their business cronies have profited greatly. You think we will ever see a rebate check for all of the oil price shennagins that have gone on the past 8 years if the entire industry is found guilty of foul play? Yeah right!





  2. Nope, Iran is responsible, Bush putting the squeeze on them is why it is going down.  Your logic is like, if cops stop crime are they the cause of it too.

  3. Ever seen the movie Zeitgeist? It pretty much explains the schemes that involve the Bush family and what they're doing secretly, using the media to brainwash our minds. He's the cause of everything horrible that has happened. 9/11 was his plan too.

  4. I'd say it's no coincidence that oil does what it does when he's in office...

    Look, Wal-Mart became what it was...(an Arkansas company and Clinton an Arkansas gov)...form Bill's first peice of ligislation...NAFTA......which NO company has profited as much from as Wal-Mart.

    And now Wal-mart is like the second biggest company on earth.......

    I suppose if Ben + Jerry  won, Ice dream would suddenly become a world dominant commodity.

  5. yep

  6. Don't give the president so much credit.  He doesn't have that kind of power.

  7. I am so freaking tired of black people b****in about how Bush is racist! You don't even know what you're talking about cuz you don't even watch the news. And its not all the black people b****in some are actually intelligent which makes me mad how ignorant people can be. Oh yeah and the rise of the gas prices is the democratic senate's fault.

  8. of course Bush is repsonsible. Our troops were sent to protect Oil now we have to pay for it.

  9. He and his idiots in office should never have been in there this long. They have destroyed our country and the family unit. It is getting worse on a daily basis. I think some things will never be as they once were. I am afraid that our country is loosing its unity.

    This whole oil thing is a joke. Bush and Chenney and their families are not struggling to get to and from work each day are they. They are not ringing up credit cards to put fuel in the tanks of their cars so they can get to work to put food on the table which is raising in cost because of the fuel costs. It is all trickle down economics. And all roads lead back to Good Ol Bush!  He can stop this and fix it if he really wanted to. But, why he would damage his profits and his family and friends future retirement benefits.

    I mean come on how can a single parent rasie a few children working a minimum wage job abnd have to put all the check in the tank to get to work or pay extra to feed their children? What about the energy bills? Everyone is hurting everyone is feeling this and paying the price.

    I ask "We as Americans are paying this price for whom and what?" They say our freedom? No were paying the price for BUSH and his People and family and friends! We are linning his pockets. WHY!!? What are we getting out of this? Not the American Dream. My god that is out of sight and out of the picture anymore. How much simply can we live and what more can we do without?

    Release the oil Bush, force the Gas companies to cut prices. The gas companies are not hurting. They are making a profit. IT IS SICK ADN WRONG! I thought our government was suppose to protect us and make it Equal and Justice for all? What ALL?

    What are we going to have to do to survive ? Run to Canada or France? I would die first. Bush Needs to give our country back....

  10. Bush has nothing to do with the oil prices going up. The price of crude went up because the speculators decided it should. When Bush and some members of Congress decided to allow drilling, the price shoot down. Let's have more talk about drilling and alternative energy sources!

  11. YES OF COURSE!!!!!!!

    He is a money hungry ape-look-alike!!!!

    He and some of his friends own oil companies, so of course they are going to make us pay more so they get more money. Also they want to "help" America, by lowering prices, the only reason they are doing that is so that we buy gas instead of biking or other means of transportation.

  12. Bush and Cheney are not responsible for "regulating" the oil industry. The FTC has investigated both men and found no evidence of wrongdoing. Oil prices went up because the demand increased and the supply didn't. Bush did the right thing rescinding the Executive order banning drilling. That had an effect on the price. Now if Congress would follow that example it would drop more. Don't expect it, the Dems like the prices where they are, no matter how it effects people or the economy.

  13. Considering the Liberal point of view is that there can be no new source of energy in the US we are subject to the desires of two bit dictators.  You think this attitude has something to do with oil prices?  Of course when we have to by energy from abroad the two bit dictator gets the money.  Can it really be that Liberals are bed buddies with the likes of Hugo and Ahmed?  Harry and Hugo what a though!  Sicko

  14. The Democrat controlled Congress and Senate have been marinated in oil ever since took office. Oil prices skyrocketed. And by much more than $10. They have done nothing to 8 regulate the obscene and rampant speculation on Wall Street. And for good reason- they and their business cronies have profited greatly. You think we will ever see a rebate check for all of the oil price shennagins that have gone on the past 18 months if the entire industry is found guilty of foul play? Yeah right!

  15. Zero Pollution Motors

    Cars that run on compressed air

    Minimal fuel cost

    Decent range

    Low price

    Low maintenance

    All the things oil and car companies hate

    Look em up

  16. Dude. It's Bush. His choices can easily destroy the country. Everything he has done was for daddy. "**** Americans" is his motto.

    Rebates? HAH! The last one we got was just an advancement for next year. we're so getting reamed next year.

    I feel sorry for the Guy in office next who has to clean the wall of **** he'll leave.

    Well, McCain will make it bigger.

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