
If this safe?

by  |  earlier

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my friend just called and asked me to look up Black Cohosh tea if in makes u go into labor and if its safe(she has to be induce in a couple days)i told her i have heard previosly that Black Cohosh is a dangerous herbal to use.(in lots of studies i read about)she said look it up anyways and check it out.does anyone know this?i would assume the doctor would have told her about this if it makes u go into labor,some friends of her told her about this?thanks to all mature answers.




  1. No tell her to have s*x what got baby in will get baby out. Seriously Docs will tell you to have s*x to get a labor going. They told me to bad I was over due and induced 2 days later.

  2. if she is full term and at least 39 weeks her dr will induce her.  thats safer.  some midwives tell you to use herbal remedies but they are unsure of the long term effects.  if you look it up you'll find there havent been very many studies on herbal remedies

  3. Tell her to try Raspberry leaf tea.  Thats what I tried.  It didnt really work for me, but she can always try it.  If you google it, you may find more info about it.  The only thing that made me go into labor was walking.  I walked all the time.  She can also try s*x.  My doctor said thats the best way to self-induce.

  4. Black cohash has caused miscarriage in women, can contribute to breast cancer growth and is NOT recommended for pregnant women.

    Tell your friend its really dangerous to use for induction of labor as it can cause problems with the baby's heart!
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