
If this was you and you woke up to find yourself paralised from neck down would you prefer to die?

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  1. yep--

  2. Yes I think so, but I can't blame his parents for trying to do the best they can to save him. They must be heartbroken.

  3. How about a lifetime in an Iron Lung?

    I'd rather be dead.

  4. We all say we would, but I am not so sure, my father inlaw had motor nurone and it was obvious that as it progressed he was dying.  He was always the type who said if that happends to me shoot me, but it was clear to us all that he wanted to cling to what ever life was available to him right up until the end. So although I would say yes the man has a poor prognosis but I still think that he probably thinks any life is better than no life.

  5. Yes I would prefer to die, than live like that as its not really living - more just existing.

    Poor man though going through that.

  6. What a terrible thought, and judging by the very bad stiff neck I got up with this morning, the thought gets worse. For anyone who this happens to is surely a tragedy.  

  7. I'd choose to die.

    I personally wouldn't be able to do it, having to rely on everyone else to look after me and stuff.

    that story in the link is very sad though. that poor man and their families too :(

  8. my best friend has MS and so is in a wheelchair (shes 29 years old), i would rather live and live in a wheelchair than die.

    However; in Bens case, i think i would rather be left to go to heaven as waking up to the news that his new bride and love of his life has been murdered and that the reason why he's in a wheelchair is the result of this then i would rather be in heaven with her.

  9. Its too soon to say.

    i agree its terrible & it doesn't look good for him at all.

    But miracles do happen. You read & hear of cases all the time of doctors giving up on patients who've beaten all odds, defied medical science & recovered to lead wholesome lives.

    Yes, hes going to want to die knowing that his bride is not going to be by his side...but this too shall pass. You have to be positive.  You have to hope..especially when thats all you have.

  10. Die for sure, you are effectively just existing anyway, not living.

  11. He's not paralysed from the neck down.  If that was the case then yes, I'd probaby want to die, but this guy could still make a full recovery and rebuild his shattered life.

  12. They would be better off pulling the plug and allowing the man some peace.

  13. It is hard enough being in a wheelchair and connected to oxegen as well as other problems but to become paralised and then lay there just barely functioning no way. I pray the heavens would end my suffering and if he is not to recover then this poor person's as he is so much worse off than I.  

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