This is one of those questions most people don't want to take seriously. Most agree that we have an "eternal" part of us (soul spirit what have you) but where will yours go when you die? I think Heaven could be defined as in the presence of God, where peace and His love reign. I think h**l could be defined as a world of chaos, where you are torn asunder a thousand times by the insanity around you. Ultimately you are also alone, completely. I choose to believe in Christ and here is why. I can't so much as lift blade of grass with my "soul" or "spirit" I believe I am completely powerless in a world without physical boundaries. I think it is essential to admit your frailty and weakness, humble yourself and ask God to show you the way. I think a lot of people tell themselves this is a question for some other day, but how can you really have peace if this question remains unanswered?
note- if you are fervently anti God ect ect I think you are in denial. Take for instance a desert. If you walked across a fantastically large desert for a thousand miles and there was nothing but desolation until, quite suddenly, you came upon the Great Pyramids wouldn't you be crazy to say it just "happened." Space is like that. If there is a painting, a painter, a house, an architect, an inhabitual earth capable of sustaining 6 billion people (and more) at a time for thousands and tens of thousands of years (can your best inventions even come so close as lasting that long) then guuuuuueeeesss what? Its means there is a God, and he didn't just make you and disapear, he made you and left you a Bible, witnesses, prophets, teachers, pastors, but most of all his precious son Jesus Christ.