
If three objects have the same mass,what property causes one to float and the others to sink?

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If three objects have the same mass,what property causes one to float and the others to sink?




  1. The volume.

    Density = Mass/Volume (for homogeneous objects)

    So the other factor in the equation would be the volume --since density is relatively what makes something sink or float -- which would either make the density greater or lesser than the other two, making one sink and one float.

  2. Density, of course. That is mass per unit volume, e.g. pounds per cubic foot. To float, an object must be less dense than the liquid in which it is to float. Water weighs 62.4 lbs./cu.ft. A 180 pound human or cork will usually float, but a 180 lbs. block of lead, gold or platinum will sink.

  3. It could also be its surface area, the same way high heels leave deeper marks on sand than flat shoes or that people lie down to rescue others on thin ice

  4. A body immersed in a fluid experiences two forces:

    The force of gravity which is proportional to the mass of the body,

    and the UPTHRUST which is proportional to the volume of the fluid displaced.

    If the upthrust is greater than the weight then the body will float.

    So the property that causes one object to float and another sink is the density of the object, since a less dense object will have a greater volume to mass ratio.

    Shape has nothing to do with it, unless you talking about light things that rest on the surface tension of the fluid, which isn't really floating.

  5. It's the density of the objects. If the pressure on the object by the amount of water that is pushed down by the object is greater than the weight of the object it will float and if it's smaller it will sink.

    Beside the density and volume of the objects, shape also plays a role because it determines how much if the object goes under the water and therefore the relation between the weight of the object and the pressure of water varies. If the object is wide and flat, for example, the pressure of the weight of the object is inserted upon a greater area of water and therefore the pressure of water on the object would be greater.

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