
If throwing a barbeque for couples that have never met...?

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Should I do something to break the ice? We are all age 24-30 years old, and there will be about 5 couples there. What can I do to make sure people mingle and get to know each other without the risk of being cheesy?




  1. Ask each couple to bring a plate of one of their favourite foods and that everyone has to taste, unless there are religious grounds.

    Food and people talk to one another. That is why I am here, and you are there. We both eat.

    If you look at my Avatar you will know what I love.

  2. Setting the scene

    Greet them with a signature cocktail to welcome them

    Music to make  your guest unwind. Even download a selection of summery songs.

    Introduce guests by mentioning a person, place or interest they have in common.

    Serve the food family style on a sunny palette of color

    Even small details  in creating the mood such as flowers, hurricane lighting, etc.will give guest reasons to speak.

  3. Games where you can break people in to teams works great.  Some games that are fun for couples:


    Catch Phrase

  4. a board game like scadagorees or nothing at all people will mingle

  5. i think that sounds awsome a nice BBQ never hurts and as long as its a party people will talk and have a good time so that sounds good it works

  6. That's the perfect sized BBQ party!  Just enough people to make it a party, yet small enough so that everyone can talk to and meet everyone else......The other ideas listed were good:  If there's some "big game" on that day, you might have it on, so the men don't resent coming:) ... and you COULD have everyone bring an appetizer... but they will probably mingle, on their own, just fine!  Save the games to see if you want to play them later, as the night goes on.....   You COULD have a "blind wine tasting".  Put 3 relatively-inexpensive wine bottles in paper bags, and have people try to guess which ones they are:) - serve some cheese & crackers too......

  7. I know it sounds stupid, but when I was introducing my fiancee to my friends husbands/boyfriends/fiancees I always made sure I had beer and there was some type of sporting event on the TV.  It seems they will gravitate to that.  Then the women can sit in the kitchen, drink some wine and talk about how stupid their respective partners are.  Then when it comes to the bbq they will eventually all gravitate to the fire.  They are men of course.  It's a lot easier once they are comfortable, at least all the women have something to laugh at.

  8. you should have plenty of food and drinks music or tvs on. and its only akward if people make it akward so dont worry. and you shouild invite more people

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