
If time didnt existed you wouldn't be in a hurry?

by Guest58334  |  earlier

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cause you wouldn't be late.




  1. didnt exist nt existed

    I'll wld take my time to do things

  2. but that's not possible!

  3. Yeaaa! but we wouldn't have many things if time didn't exist

    -Bus Schedules

    -Tv Schedules


    -If You Were Meeting Up someone WHAT WOULD YOU DO!

    -Day Or Night



    -Cinema Times

    -BIG BEN

    & Many More ;]

    So Without Time Life Kinda Sucks ;]

  4. but then we would not be hear ether

  5. Time is one of the three very important things required for there to be something. Space, time and matter/energy all require each other to work. With out time there would be no such thing as matter/energy because nothing cann exist without being in a certain place at a certain time.

    It would be great if we could stop time, But we cant because all there would be is nothingness  

  6. make sense theoretically but doesn't make sense other wise because there would be no night or day.  

  7. That's very true, yes.

  8. In some cases, I'd be in a hurry; like some house chores whereas in some; like an exam, I'd'nt.

  9. I don't necessarily think that time itself is responsible for the hurry. If there were no night and day, there would still remain unpleasant tasks to be completed. So the question becomes moot. I believe we would still age regardless, feel tired, and energetic at different intervals in a day. And without time, there would be no millisecond, second, minute, hour, day, week, month, or year.  

  10. true, but then you couldn't plan things properlly.  

  11. well time doesn't exactly "exist"

    it is imaginary and was created to have some organization of things...

    like to seperate what happened, happening,  imagine, if there was no time, there's no second, minute, hour you will be very very really confused... but still there is night and day. so if there is no time there really is no reason to hurry... just think about a world so confused... can't express in words.... a world in chaos, no organization

    uhm... good luck ! hehehe...

  12. If time wasn't there then everything would happen at once.

    There would be no need for getting a move on and no need for patience either. Tell the missis, the amount of time she takes getting ready?

  13. True

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