
If time doesn't really exist, then why do we percieve things as being in time?

by Guest59045  |  earlier

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If time doesn't really exist, then why do we percieve things as being in time?




  1. It is a fact, time exists.

  2. what makes you think time doesn't exist?

    it does.


  3. Time does indeed exist.

  4. As shocking as it might seem, time does not exist, time is a derivative of speed, if you dont have someting to measure it speed compared to the distance, you can't measure time. In other words we perceive movement, not time.

  5. back in the olden time, people made time to get up and work by using sun rise, sun set, and moon rise moon set. this is how time begin exist in human civilization.

  6. Seasons, minutes and microseconds are indeed human inventions, human concepts. But the flow of time itself is part of the nature of our universe. The first instant after what we can conceptualize of the big bang was very different form the next instant. This progression of changing states is what we call time, and it is reasonable to assume that humans were not there to create that effect!

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