
If time travel is at all possible, why do we never see visitors from the future?

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I'm just curious...




  1. What makes you think you don't?

  2. Not by this theory, provided in my answer here:;...

    It's all logical to assume the above.

    I don't believe quantum time travel is possible as not even the word quanta is anything to do with it.

    It hasn't happened yet, time hasn't gone back yet, simple!

    Thanks anyway.

    CybX Systems.

  3. I've heard three suggestions:

    (1) Future time travel, like that of the theory of relativity, is the only possible time travel.  Thus, people of the future can't come to the past.  This seems the most likely to me.

    (2) Time travel is only possible within a self-consistant loop: a time traveler could only do things that would not prevent his ultimate travel, and interacting with another person would change the cultural understanding of time travel (and might make people invent time travel earlier, which would affect the time traveler's loop, and thus would be impossible).  My understanding of this theory is limited, but it seems logically reasonable.

    (3) Time travelers all realize how important it is not to let us know that they're from the future, so any of them who stay for an extended period of time are very, very careful not to let us know that they're from the future.  This seems unlikely.

  4. Time travel can be achieved by traveling faster than the speed of light.

    If a person travels faster than the speed of light, he/she will reach a particular place before he/she even begins the journey.

    That means you cannot see the person beginning the journey but you will see that person at a particular place in the future(you will not see that person traveling).

    That's why (according to me) it is only possible for people to travel from the present to the future and not from the present to the past.

    Traveling in the fourth dimension (time) freely can only be possible in black holes. It is because black holes dent the the flow of space-time in their surroundings.

  5. i dont know what physics says,but i think its impossible because if you will see the future ultimately it will change and a new future will set it cant be possible

  6. ...cause it's not possible I suppose.

  7. If people from the future are smart enough to know how to travel back in time, they are probably also smart enough to know how to make themselves invisible!

  8. Time travel is not possible. If you want to go somewhere, that place has to exist. If you want to time travel to 1 Jan 2020, ask yourself, does 2020 1 jan exist now so i can go there? The answer is no.

    You can only time travel somewhere that exists in the present. You can't time travel to 1 jan 1900 or any other date because it simply does not exist in the present.

  9. 1. Because there might be a prime directive in place, such as a law forbiding people from the future to get involved in past affairs and to only observe.

    2. Who knows, maybe there is a person from the future already here living secretly either:

    A) A life of seclusion (peaceful life due to future apocalypse?)

    B) Successful financial one due to advanced knowledge of the financial market and sports  events (Back to the Future)

    C) A well known celebrity, politician, or scientists helping further a cause.

    3. Or maybe this time period is not desirable for travel, it could be  past time period, in which case the present has been affected and thus our timeline is now different. Or the near future, thus it hasn't happened yet.

    The possibilities are limitless.

    But yeah, I'm assuming time travel is impossible for human beings, even String Theorists would tell you that it would require a tremendous amount of energy. More than the sun or 1.21 gigawatts (Back to the Future) to affect the universe

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