
If time travel is infact possible mathematically...Why havn't we met someone from the future???

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If time travel is infact possible mathematically...Why havn't we met someone from the future???




  1. I don't know if time travel is possible or not but how could you tell that you've met someone traveling back from the furure?

  2. It is obviously not possible technically - ever.

    Either that or the future is much worse than the present.

  3. A.) Not possible to begin with.

    B.) Possible. But somebody is keeping a d**n good secret in order not to change the future.

    C.) Its possible but we never figure it out, or it's not survivable.

    D.) Human civalization never made it far enough, global disaster etc.

  4. One more thought, if you happen to believe it is possible (and that Elvis is alive)....

    Time would have to "begin" for us at some point (ie. human origin). Perhaps we are at the beginning of this timeline and have not discovered how to visit our past, though being at the beginning, we have no future from which to travel.

  5. Time travel (into the past) is not possible.

  6. Yes we have.

    Take it at your own interpretation but there are tons and tons of people who think this is the guy but again there are millions of people who doesn't believe  the story. But here is it


  7. Well the possibility of someone able to time travel times the possibility of them traveling through an infinite number of realities and meeting anyone in our world is unimaginably small.

  8. It is not, in fact, possible mathematically.

    bye for now.

  9. Wow man. You are freakin me out!

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