
If time travel were possible would it be ok for a child to go back in time and abort their mothers?

by  |  earlier

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Since the mother is part of the child's body.




  1. a paradox doesn't preclude time travel, assuming time travel is possible -- it would be perfectly acceptable for a time traveller to alter events

    semantic c**p aside, if one form of killing is acceptable, then any should be acceptable

    note: i am an atheist

  2. wtf?

  3. Well, if you mean aborting the mother when she's a fetus, then it'd be a simultaneous homicide and suicide so it'd be illegal.  As for ethical, that's relative to whom you ask.  As for if you meant only suicide via time travel, it's not unethical, but it's tragic that anyone would want to die, especially with such power as to manipulate the fabric of time.

  4. you crazy

  5. Maybe if time travel were possible a young girl who has been raped by uncle Jerry can turn back time before the rape and make sure Jerry doesn't have a chance.


  6. Harold...anyone stupid enough to ask this question is too stupid to comprehend paradox.

  7. But in doing so, then that would cause the child to die.

  8. That's one too save for the pearly gates buddy :)

  9. No, it would definitely NOT be OK.

  10. Why on earth would they?


  11. If they could do that wouldn't that wipe out their own existence?

  12. In theory, if you went back in time, the moment you changed anything in that timeline(including your presence there) that timeline would branch off from the original timeline into a new one. This means you would not cause a paradox from the "kill your great grandfather" theory.

    Also, imagine you went back in time to kill baby Hitler.  If there was just the one timeline, with Hitler not starting WWII, you would have no reason to kill him, so you wouldn't go back in time to kill him, so he would live and start WWII, which would cause you to go back in time and kill him...see the infinite loop?

  13. What?

    How could a baby abort their mom?

  14. But, if a child goes back in time and "aborts" his or her mother and thus is never born as a result and therefore cannot travel back in time to "abort" his or her mother then a paradox is created which will either fracture the time-line and create an alternate reality or cause all of time and space to collapse.....which I'm pretty sure would be bad.

    Therefore, it would not be okay for a child to go back in time and abort his or her mother.

  15. Abortion is not OK.  Isn't that the real essence of your question?  

    The mother is no more a part of the child's body than the father is.  Every child is 50% maternal, and 50% paternal.  The mother is the vessel, not the flesh of the child.  The pregnant mother must produce hormones to prevent her body from rejecting the unborn child because the two are not the same flesh.

    Besides, reverse time travel is both thermodynamically and spiritually impossible (God won't allow it).

  16. if u abort ur mother, u will no longer exist so unless u wanna not exist!

  17. That's a paradox...

    because then the future child would not exist...


    Unless time is not as simple as a straight line...

    and it has more than one realities...

  18. First of all, this is the old Grandfather Paradox: Where a person goes back in time, and kills their grandfather *before* grandpa ever met grandma. The result is that the killer ceases to exist, so how could the killer do the killing ?

    Further, its established in law that the women carrying the fetus cannot be forced to abort a child she doesn't want to abort, so this act would be a crime in of itself, even without killing anyone.  

  19. paradox, killing your mother before you are born means you were never born so how can you go back and kill your mother?

  20. I would.

  21. Sure if the child never wanted to exist.

  22. The fact that the person exists implies that they always fail to change anything in the past that stops them from being born and being able to go back in time.

    The truth is that if time travel is possible we don't know what the rules are.  If it becomes possible, then we will have to do some experiments to determine the rules.

    For all we know there might be different methods of time travel with different rules.  But going back in time is not very likely unless we first go forward and bring one end of a wormhole and then someone from the future could travel back to the current time.

  23. Then that wouldn't be time travel.  That would be a reverse of the natural order of things. For wouldn't the mother always be the mother.  Going back in time wouldn't mean the mother would have been the baby and the other way around.  Time travel should mean just what it says.

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