
If to be Christian is to be like Christ?

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How come there are so many angry Christians?




  1. Where are you finding angry Christians?

  2. Christ got angry, he was always angry with the religious leaders and the teachers of the law. He drove out the temple, driving out animals with a homemade whip, and telling the sellers that they turned his fathers house into a den of robbers. Its not getting angry thats wrong, its what christians get angry about.  

  3. to be Christian is to know and believe in Christ and to strive to be like

    Him but unfortunately all will fall short of the glory of God

    however where did you get the notion that Christ never got angry He did read about the moneychangers and the might infested birds and how He treated them for desecrating the house of His Father

  4. That is sad when people forget about Christ who is supposed to be the core of our belief.  Look at the new church in Corinthians and you will see that there many times that new Christians bring into the faith some of their old beliefs systems and tack it on to what Christ intended and then became impassioned about it.  It was Paul's letters to them and the intervention of the Holy Spirit that brought those early churches back to the center of their belief(Christ).

  5. Jesus got angry...however, it is worth noting that he only expressed his anger with people that claimed to be following the will of his father!

    Why are there so many angry Christians...well, some of them are angry for the same reasons Jesus got angry...they get angry with other believers that misrepresent his message...the rest are angry because they don't understand his message and are still wasting their time and energy worrying about things that Jesus told them to trust to God!

  6. They're angry because they don't want to justify their beliefs, simply because they can't

  7. And Jesus didn't get angry?

    What about the time he chased the merchants out of the temple with a whip He had made with His own hands?

  8. Some believers claim to be Christians. That's nothing new.

  9. My 1st response is that they're not very good at it.

    But in their defense, here at R&S they do get mocked and called stupid for believing in a literal interpretation of the Bible when it has so many obvious flaws.

  10. I suspect it is the same problem as when a toddler struggles with speech ; sometimes toddlers become angry when they are unable to express themselves ; they can even become violent and do scary stuff like scratch the face of their playmate . One researcher found the same pattern among prison inmates : He endeavored to teach inmates academic English and found out that violent outbreaks were significantly reduced ; rehabilitation into society was more successful. Most people receive their religious faith from their parents. It’s what atheists erroneously call “conditioning”. The advantage of receiving religious faith as a child is that it becomes very deeply rooted in the earliest development of the person ; such faith is very solid and is in no need of intellectual explanation ; it is an experience that is deep, rich and un-fragmented . When such people are confronted with religious dissent they are forced to fragment their religious experience by passing it through the crude mosaic of human language ; that alone might suffice to introduce an element of irritation ; if Love burns in a Christian heart, he/she will readily make that sacrifice in the name of Charity and for the sake of the Kingdom of God ; thus re-living the theological effort of the Fathers when they were confronted with early heresies. To be successful however, Christians needs to know their faith well and learn Theology or at least Apologetics. The other problem of course is the tone of sarcasm and mockery that is typical in current religious debates ; it is so easy for those who care for nothing to trash the spiritual treasures of others. If angry Christians are such a disturbance, may I suggest that questions be asked only when sincere interest for a potential answers actually exist ; rhetoric is the seed of war.

  11. You ask a very good question.  How come there are so many lying, cheating, thieving christians?  Why so many hypocritical, misogynistic christians?

  12. because we are not perfect like christ. and never will be on earth we are born with a sin nature read romans.

  13. Christ is very angry at sin so as long as Christians are angry at sin that is fine. If they hate people though that is another issue. That is the same as murder.

  14. Angry Christians are usually the judgmental Christians that like to believe their religion is right and they can bully all the other ones.

    I've been exposed to abuse from a couple of angry Christians because I'm Wiccan.

    They TRY to be like Christ, and according to some them doing things like that is the way to do it. Unfortunately.

  15. None of us can ever be like Christ, we can only try to be.  Christians are only human and therefore, they get angry, sad, happy, love, hurt and all other human emotions just as all humans.

  16. First, there are few true Christians, and 2nd even true Christians are not perfect yet but they value the teachings of Christ.

  17. Being "like Christ" doesn't make you a Christian.

    The only way to get into heaven and avoid being sent to h**l, is by BELIEVING the Gospel of Jesus Christ in FAITH ALONE.

    The Gospel of Jesus Christ is this: The truth is that the only way to be saved and to get into heaven and avoid being sent to eternal h**l is by believing in faith alone that Jesus, who is God, died for our sins on the cross and rose from the dead (1 Corinthians 15:1-4). Believe this and you are saved!

    Please pray now: "Jesus, please forgive me of my sins. I believe that You died on the cross for my sins and You rose from the dead. Thank You for eternal life!" You will be in heaven with Him forever when you die. :)

  18. You remember when Jesus cleared the temple?  Some of 'em sort of stay in that state ALL THE TIME...

    It would probably be better to define "Christian" as "try to be Christ-like"...we're all gonna fall short of the Main Man's worst moments...

    EDIT:  You're right about that additional detail - if it's true that prostitution is the world's oldest profession, the priesthood has got to come in a close second - and they are constantly fighting over "johns"...

  19. Even Christ was angry occasionally but His was a righteous anger, not a destructive anger.  Where as a lot of Christian's have a destructive anger, that drives people away.

  20. He is not angry...upset I am sure!

  21. Yes, as someone earlier pointed out, Christ displays anger in the bible.  He gets angry with the money changers.  He even gets angry at a fig tree and causes it to whither.

    Getting angry seems a very odd thing for an all-good, all-knowing, all-powerful diety incarnate to do.

    Especially at a fig tree.

  22. It goes back to Adam and Eve.  We are now all born in sin.  It is incorrect to say there are so many angry Christians.  If you look positively you will find more happier Christians than angry ones.  Everyone has their pains and scars and not all of them are easily cured.

  23. correction: to be Christian is to TRY to be like Christ.

    It's really really hard to be that good all the time.

  24. Suzyq,

    It is because we disobey the Lord and allow the devil to blind us. We have way too much sin in our lives and we do not humble ourselves before God and ask Him to forgive us. That is mostly why the Christian is so angry. Me too!!

  25. I think they let the things in the world get in the way of how they act.


    they don't quite understand the principles of the Gospel.

    Nobody's perfect, but we can sure work on it.  

  26. Unfortunately so many Christians forget that the ultimate goal is to be like Christ. They tend to get judgmental and angry. But God will check them. I know He's checked me before. When you are a Christian you are supposed to keep your eyes on God. There is nothing wrong with being angry at a particular situation, but just walking around angry at the world isn't a Christian life. They need to read there Bible and remember what it's all about. You can't do anything without love! God Bless!

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