
If todays generation of youth are so bad whose fault is it ?

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i hear people from my parents generation ***** about mine and the one upcomming one but who raised us this way ? If the baby boomers were so great then they did a ****** up job somewhere along the way




  1. I think that society as a whole has played a major role in the situation. I mean we are not suppose to raise our voices we are not suppose to discipline, in other words we as parents have limited authority. It is sad but true we have been limited to time outs and that is about it, I have even found if I ground the kids that apparently that is suppose to do some physiological damage. Pahooy, parent to the best of your ability love your kids, and teach your values and believes clearly and simply and hope like heck you can over ride what society in general is teaching. Oh and by the way the older generation always has something to say, that has not changed over time. How many of us has heard "well in my day" I bet even if you were to go out and ask your great grandma or grandpa that question they would say that years ago their parents where saying the same thing to them, sometimes time does not change things and I think perhaps that is one of those things that do not change but will be said generation after generation.

  2. I watched a special on one of the major TV networks, and they said that my genenation ( I'm a baby boomer born 1953) made our children feel more privilaged than other generations.  So now at night I tell myself "it's your fault that my 30 year old son is is jail for drugs and won't work". Now I am raising my grandson, and I am doing eveything opposite of how I raised my son, So when my grandson is 30 and is in jail and  won't work, I'm going to tell whatever network that was, if I can remember and tell them to GO TO h**l, excuse my langage

  3. anti-spanker!

    I blame "Roseanne". lol

  4. i totally agree, and it's not just parents and people like that, it's just society in itself. this world is screwed up, and nothing's gonna fix it.  

  5. Don't get me started on the baby boomers...

    I totally agree that most of the current problems with our generation began with the attitudes and selfishness of that generation raising ours.  And yet their answer is to either lock us up or sue us if we get "out of line".  Why do they always feel they are entitled to automatic respect when they are the ones who made all the bad life choices?  For example, the majority of them are overweight, with heart disease, and it's not because of a lifestyle choice?  And how many of us were forced to grow up in a single parent household because of their dalliances?  We are not faultless in the current situation, but they have to remember they aren't either.

  6. Unfortunately a lack of discipline in schools and at home has resulted in a generation of kids who are not scared of authority.  This is the root cause - they do what they want because they know they will get away with it and if anyone gives them a well deserved clout they get sued!!!!  

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