
If tomorrow you just.....?

by Guest65428  |  earlier

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disappeared off the face of the earth, do you think you would be missed?

Because I honestly think if that happened to me, no one would even notice.




  1. only a few people would notice my absence.

    but they wouldn't miss me.

  2. I doubt anyone from my family would notice, before this month I would have said that some people would have noticed though.

  3. yes

  4. Yeah - absolutely I would be missed by friends and family but even the people I work with - I run this office and if I am not here, everything falls apart

  5. mii family would definately wonder where i am

    they would end up calling the cops

    but mii frends would probably think im just sick nd not coming to skool

    well there would be one person who i think would notice nd call to check up on me nd wonder y i wasnt in skool

    its too bad that nobody would notice you but u never know some ppl could miss you

  6. h**l yea! alot of people would and then there would be some people who wouldn't even care

  7. hm, my friends and family, yes. but i'm slightly depressed so i make myself think that NO ONE will miss me.

    Aww... I'm sorry about that =[

  8. Sounds like you having a bad day...chin up, I strongly believe your family and friends would truly miss you. and "We here on Y/A would too.

  9. yes

    people would miss me

  10. of course my boyfriend would be devastated and i dont know if my mum would be able to cope

  11. My family and friends would miss me.

  12. think of all the people you know, your mom and dad. then think of all the good memories you share with them, they have them too. so if it seems like they dont care about you now or something, your wrong cause i think love is unconditional and if you disappeared, some peoples hearts will be broken.

  13. Yes, there are several people who might miss me.


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