
If train A is going to Vietnam, and Plane B is headed for Columbia, how long will it take us all to be seated?

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If train A is going to Vietnam, and Plane B is headed for Columbia, how long will it take us all to be seated?




  1. They have SEATS now???

    Christ on a crutch, it woulda been nice to get a memo or something!

  2. It doesn't matter, 'cause no matter where you go, there you are.

  3. X = WTF

  4. I think the tourists might be ready for train A....of course I give fair fair to those who checked into destination B and are having trouble checking out...

  5. Ha! I so got this one. X=oatmeal.

    <--- cheater

  6. Trains are not capable of traveling underwater.

  7. ask John Belushi and a few others. When he got seated the plane and he took off. Too bad we haven't seen him since.

  8. Why you eat so much?  Why you no stop now and go back village and eat much less food.

  9. I'll Be on a 'Slow Boat To China', Myself....!!

  10. Oatmeal?

  11. about 4 hrs....per plane

  12. At About 11.35 A.M

  13. I prefer to stand thank you...

  14. Seated who wants to be seated, I am not sitting down but if i have to guess i would say 12 hours

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